NLM News: An Offsite, Fresh Publication, and Air Force Grant 

Our team: Top L-R: Dr. Kevin O'Malley, Dr. Stephanie Benight, CEO Gerard Zytnicki, Dr. Lewis Johnson, Dr. Scott Hammond, David Sparks, Rob Dunn Bottom L-R: Erica McGillivray, Dr. Delwin Elder, and Marion Mundy

Spending time together. 

On May 3rd, our NLM team gathered for our first offsite since September 2020 (which was outside, amidst wildfire smoke and a pandemic)! Our entire team utilized the day to discuss NLM’s future in beautiful downtown Seattle. 

We dove into everything from a historical look at where we started (almost five years ago!) and some top-secret future news to company culture and health insurance. As we’re a hybrid team with some in the lab and some remote, being all in one room is rare. It was wonderful to get to know each other even better. 

Banner image of our team:
Top L-R: Dr. Kevin O’Malley, Dr. Stephanie Benight, CEO Gerard Zytnicki, Dr. Lewis Johnson, Dr. Scott Hammond, David Sparks, and Rob Dunn
Bottom L-R: Erica McGillivray, Dr. Delwin Elder, and Marion Mundy

Revolutionizing technology in our latest scientific publication. 

Exciting developments in nanophotonics have brought together the teams at the University of Washington, ETH Zurich, IMEC, NLM Photonics, and Polariton Technologies to publish the recent article, “Perspective: Nanophotonic electro-optics enabling THz bandwidths, exceptional modulation and energy efficiencies, and compact device footprints” in the peer-reviewed scientific journal APL Mater, 11, 000000 (2023); doi: 10.1063/5.0145212. 

The article reviews recent developments in state-of-the-art electro-optics, discussing advances in organic electro-optic (OEO) materials, device structures, and fabrication techniques and OEO’s potential applications, such as fiber and wireless telecom; data centers; sensing and imaging; metrology and spectroscopy; autonomous vehicle platforms; and cryogenic supercomputing and quantum computing. 

US Air Force Phase 1 grant awarded.

The US Department of Air Force awarded us a $75,000 Phase 1 AFWERX SBIR contract for developing engagements with defense customers related to our technology. After our team, the heart of NLM is our technological innovation and iteration that relies on our ability to continue our robust research and development. 

The views expressed are those of NLM and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Department of the Air Force, the Department of Defense, or the U.S. government.